30 minutes before the start of every event a 'Join stream' button will be displayed. This stream is an online video-call which is freely accessible for everyone, thus there is no need to subscribe.
30 minuten voor de start van een evenement wordt er een "Join stream" knop weergegeven. Deze knop brengt u naar een vrij toegankelijke video-call. Hier hoeft u zich niet voor aan te melden.
Sunday October 17th
Stories of change
13:00 - 13:50
Team CASA - Thomas van der Werff
The energy transition in the Stagnant Built Environment
A pitch about the CASA 1.0 house project developed by Team CASA that aims to accelerate the energy transition in the built environment whilst simultaneously tackling the housing crisis that is currently plaguing The Netherlands and the rest of western Europe.
Team CORE - Aleksandra Evtimova and Cansu Izat
Introducing CORE TITAN
The product presented during the DDW is CORE TITAN, a shredder intended for the safe diminution of electronic waste into a safe waste stream of both plastics and metals. The social purpose of this innovation is to reduce battery fires, and is the first existing Shredder that can accurately recycle batteries into their most optimal state to be then transformed into other products.
Enactus - Daniël Lam
With the help of social entrepreneurship, we are able to take action for a more sustainable world for us all. We create start-ups to create impact in the different fields of economy, society and most importantly, environmentally. These kinds of impacts are driven by a goal. The Sustainable Development Goals.
14:00 - 14:50
Falcon - Rafael Garcia Bustillos
Fuel-battery conversion kit for aviation
Falcon is working on creating a conversion kit model that will change the source of energy for airplanes, from gasoline to an electric-powered aircraft. Our team aspires to decrease pollution through a model that invites sustainable aviation and could be used by farmers, aviation enthusiasts, and applied to planes in the aircraft graveyard.
InMotion - Ewout Timmermans
InMotion – The Future of Fast Charging
To tackle global climate change, a transition towards sustainable mobility is necessary. Yet, adoption of EV is lagging as barriers exist for consumers, such as slow charging times. Therefore, InMotion develops a technology called ‘Electric Refueling’, meaning that electric charging should be as fast as refueling fossil fuel vehicles. The challenge is to ensure the batteries do not overheat as this reduces the battery capacity, hence InMotion is expert in developing battery cooling technology. InMotion develops its technology in a LMP3 race car and envisions to showcase Electric Refueling at the 24h of Le Mans.
TU/ecomotive - Luc Streithorst
Together, we produce 2.1 billion tons of waste annually, enough to fill the Philips-stadium to the roof 7380 times. To promote awareness of a circular economy, student team TU/ecomotive developed a car made almost entirely from waste. The result is an electric sports car called Luca. Luca’s chassis is made from flax and recycled ocean-sourced plastics. The car’s body, finish, windows and interior are also made from recycled materials like PET-bottles, ABS, and even refined household waste.
15:00 - 15:50
SensUs Student Competition
SensUs is the annual international student competition on sensors for health. By involving students, industry, patients, and healthcare professionals, we strive to accelerate the development and innovation of biosensors and to stimulate education in this field. SensUs aims to raise awareness about the possibilities that bio sensing can offer to the life of patients and to health care in general.
16:00 - 16:40
Telekinesis demo
Artificial Intelligence algorithms are a powerful enabler of the technologies of the future. In order to demonstrate that, this demo shows what can be done using AI technology and a simple webcam. Posture tracking, and in specific hand tracking, has been a huge challenge without the use of dedicated detection hardware. This hardware usually consists of 3D sensing technology. It is much harder to build and get stable readings from 3D cameras than traditional color cameras. However, with the advent of AI we are now able to use regular color images to track postures in real time!
Monday October 18th
Stories of change
12:45 - 13:30
Evangelia Demerouti
Redesign remote working
Remote working has been and still is a challenge. People struggled about how to remain healthy and function effectively. Teaching them strategies on how to manage external and own requirements and resources can be a solution. But how can we do this? An online self-training tool proved to be effective to make people happier, more vigorous and perform better at work.
14:00 - 14:45
Rens Brankaert
Designing Warm Technology in Health
Our challenges in healthcare become increasingly difficult. Designers can and should play a vital role in this sector by providing concrete new solutions and directions to move forward. To do so, we have established the concept of Warm Technology, a perspective for design that is inclusive, empowering and person-centred. Warm Technology ensures needs of both people needing and providing care are met, enabling a positive transformation in health. In this presentations, many of the concepts are tailored towards design for and with people living with dementia, presenting among others the concept Sentic on display at the TU/e expo.
- 15:45
Myrte Thoolen
Enabling warm contact between people with dementia and relatives through design
Globally, approximately 55 million people have dementia and this is expected to reach 78 million in 2030. The cognitive changes associated with dementia can have a significant impact on day-to-day communication, making participation in social interactions increasingly challenging. LivingMoments is a designed technology that enables warm contact between people with dementia and their relatives in the form of (digital) postcards. By offering cues in the form of postcards, it triggers interest and invites them to respond via the LivingMoments system to engage in social contact with their relatives. For more information:
16:00 - 17:30
Tuesday October 19th
Stories of change
12:45 - 13:30
Johnick van Sprang
Hoe kweek ik een nier in een plastic bakje?
Kunnen we in de toekomst nierpatiënten genezen met een gekweekte nier? Welke rol zullen slimme biomaterialen hierbij spelen? In het kort leer je wat er voor nodig is om enkele stamcellen uit te laten groeien tot mini-niertjes en hoe dit complexe proces kan worden aangestuurd door synthetische materialen gemaakt in Eindhoven.
14:00 - 14:45
Kristina Andersen
Creative Collaborations with Machines and Materials
With production increasingly dominated by (semi)autonomous systems, we are reconsidering, how these systems influence our ways of working and designing with, against or alongside machines and materials. At the same time, we are finding ourselves at cross-roads with regards to our use of the natural environment, and the way we engage with each other and the extended systems around us. How do we design for difference and complexity instead of sameness and problem-solving? How can we innovate, design and act around that which is yet to be imagined? Who gets to drive such innovation processes? And how can we re-frame our methodologies to include the complex cultural, political, and personal aspects of everyday life? Can we propose an extension of the notion of collaboration to include a re-negotiation of creative collaborations between machines, people and things?
15:00 - 17:00
Cristina Nan
Round table
Wednesday October 20th
Stories of change
14:00 - 14:45
Faas Moonen
GEM-Stage: maak van duurzaamheid een feestje
Een festival gebruikt veel stroom, opgewekt door diesel. Bij op een groot festival gaat dan tot wel 130.000 liter diesel de lucht in! Dat het ook anders kan, toont GEM-Stage, een kleurrijke toren met podium, waar stroom komt van hernieuwbare bronnen (wind, zon, en recent ook waterstof), en wordt opgeslagen in de eigen batterij. Deze presentatie laat zien waarom dit zo’n leuk duurzame feestje is.
15:00 - 15:45
Floor van Schie
GEM-Stage: van concept tot realisatie
Festivals gebruiken veel stroom, deze stroom wordt vaak opgewekt door dieselgenerators. Dieselgeneratoren zijn erg vervuilend, grote hoeveelheden brandstof gaan op in rook. De GEM-Stage is een duurzaam alternatief. De stage wekt stroom op uit de hernieuwbare bronnen zon, wind, en waterstof. Met deze opgewekte energie kunnen artisten een show geven op 100 procent duurzame energie. Deze presentatie laat zien hoe GEM-Stage ontwikkeld is van concept tot realisatie.
16:00 - 16:45
Friday October 22nd
Stories of change
12:45 - 13:30
Peter Rindt
The potential of liquid metal heat shields for fusion energy – and a surprising spin off – the potential of consumers for the sustainability transition.
Nuclear fusion is potentially the sustainable energy source of the future. Before it can be realized however, both technical and societal obstacles must be overcome. First, this talk dives into the world of liquid metal heat shields: The inside of a fusion reactor must withstand conditions as harsh as the surface of the sun, and the liquid-metal heat shields developed at TU/e may be the first to do so. Second, this talk focusses on a surprising spin-off and questions that have never been more relevant: do consumers have the potential to accelerate the development of nuclear fusion, or even the transition towards a sustainable society as a whole? And if so, how do we use this potential in real life?
14:00 - 14:45
Leon Thijs en Jesse Hameete
Metaal poeder: een veelbelovende duurzame brandstof
Zon en wind zijn niet altijd en overal beschikbaar, dus hoe sla je die energie tijdelijk op? Metaalpoeder is in de energietransitie een veelbelovende kandidaat. CO2-vrij, herbruikbaar en met een hoge energiedichtheid. De eerste resultaten zijn veelbelovend, maar om de technologie op grote schaal in te zetten is het eerst noodzakelijk de verbranding van die metaaldeeltjes in detail te snappen en te beheersen.
Saturday October 23rd
Stories of change
12:45 - 13:30
Chiara Treglia and Joost Liebregts
Who Cares for the Carers!?
Caregivers had been under immense pressure for quite some time, but ultimately due to the COVID-19 pandemic have finally gained recognition. As we were all clapping, we decided to take action. We will host an open-sourced design process to create solutions that REALLY care for our caregivers. The end result? It is open for your contribution!
14:00 - 14:45
VIRTU/e - Marianna Angelini
Sustainable living in the house of the future
How can we contribute to sustainable cities? VIRTUe presents ripple, a concept that becomes reality in a solar-powered house of the future. Like a drop in the water, our project creates a ripple of influence by proposing a way of thinking rather than a fixed design. VIRTUe works towards a communal, sustainable mindset of the people through the building industry. We bring user-friendly smart systems into shared spaces and appliances, thus making it fun easy for communities to live sustainably.
15:30 - 16:15
Philémonne Jaasma
Deelmobiliteit voor iedereen
De woningnood is hoog en steden worden verdicht. Hierbij wordt plek voor auto’s vervangen door deelvervoer en plek voor groen. Deelvervoer wordt op dit moment echter vooral door werkende jonge mannen gebruikt. Dit roept de vraag op: hoe zorg je ervoor dat mobiliteit met deelvervoer voor iedereen toegankelijk blijft? In een ontwerpend onderzoeksproject in Eindhoven zoeken de gemeente en woningcorporaties dit uit, samen met ontwerper-onderzoekers van cocosmos.
Sunday October 24th
Stories of change
12:45 - 13:30
Martijn Heck
Laser sight
Lidar systems are used to image the environment in three dimensions, by scanning a laser beam and measure its reflections. They are essential for, for example, self-driving cars. Such Lidar systems have always been large and expensive, limiting their use. However, using technology borrowed from the mature telecommunications field, we are now integrating these systems on a single optical chip. This means that Lidars can soon be implemented everywhere.
- 14:45
Tengjia Zuo
ChemiKami: an exploration of AR Fantasy in Game-based learning
ChemiKami is an Augmented Reality game for learning chemistry. Players match avatars representing chemical elements with application cards and scan them with an AR device. As AR game-based learning becomes a leading educational trend, our research using ChemiKamiAR will help designers identify the role of fantasy in game-based learning.
15:00 - 15:45
Monica Lãcãtuş and Milind Tripathi
5G-MOBIX - Remote Driving of Autonomous Vehicles
The presentation will be about the design steps myself and the team took in creating a remote station which can be used to drive autonomous vehicles from even hundreds of kilometers away over the 5G network. To put this into a social context, our project is all about exploring the possibilities and solutions of tomorrow's smart mobility and the advantages that 5G has to offer to it. In this presentation we will explain the idea behind the current setup of the remote station and our most important system components such as the current connection setup and the camera and LiDAR visualizations of the car’s environment which are the key to the remote driver being able to take control of the vehicle without actually being in it. We want to help the audience understand how the whole system links and functions together over the 5G network. Of course, we will ensure that the presentation is understandable and easy to follow even for someone who has never heard of autonomous driving.