
GEM-Stage is the sustainable solution for large energy-consuming outdoor stages.

GEM-Stage (GEM=Green Energy Mill) is the sustainable solution for large energy-consuming outdoor stages. It is a hybrid, fold-out, eye-catching stage that generates its power from renewable sources, like solar panels, LSC panels in the tower, a wind turbine on top, and a hydrogen generator. The energy is stored in a large battery (up to 45 kW) in the base of the tower. During the next festival season, it will again be the eye-catcher at many well-known festivals in Europe.

Organisation Eindhoven University of Technology, Industrial Design
Contact Floor van Schie
Project Owners Floor van Schie, Patrick Lenaers, Marius Lazauskas, Faas Moonen
Website Personal Website
More information GEM-Stage is part of PowerVIBES, an Interreg NWE project.
Partners Eindhoven University of Technology, Pukkelpop, Off Grid Energy, Zap Concepts, Double 2 Mediaproducties, Eurosonic Noorderslag, Democrazy, Flexotels, RPS Conservation Services